Wednesday, July 28, 2010


Hello all,

Thank you so much for your support thus far. Many people have been asking how they can help out in the months to come and at long last I am blogging a "How To Donate" post. For those of you who plan to give, I can't thank you enough for your support!! For those of you who are short on cash, please check back soon for my first posts from South Africa.

Hope everyone is enjoying the hot summer!

Much love,



There are two different types of donations (Option 1 is preferable but Option 2 will also be extremely helpful in reaching my goal of $10,000!) :

Option 1: For those who would like to give an unrestricted gift and who are not concerned about charitable tax status

1. Donors may write checks payable to me personally. In this case, I able use those funds for whatever purposes I see fit (I promise all funds raised will go solely to my GRS trip expenses). However, these donations are not eligible for charitable contribution tax status.


  • Please make checks payable to Charlotte Hastings and write “Grassroot Soccer” on the memo line.
  • Checks may be sent to:

Charlotte Hastings

PO Box 50

Taftsville, Vermont 05073

Option 2: For those who are concerned about charitable tax status and would prefer to give a restricted gift

2. Donors may write checks payable to Grassroot Soccer, Inc and write my name on the memo line (ex. for Charlotte Hastings' Internship). The benefit to you as a donor is that you may claim donations to Grassroot Soccer as charitable contributions, to the extent provided by law. The limitation is that I must submit expense reports with receipts in order to be reimbursed, and I am only able to submit expenses related to my work (medical expenses, travel expenses to and from Africa- not within, and passport and visa expenses)

Funds may be contributed to GRS on my behalf by either sending an American check to GRS or by credit card online at .

By check :

  • Please make American checks payable to Grassroot Soccer, Inc. and write “Charlotte Hastings” on the memo line.
  • Checks may be sent to:

Grassroot Soccer

198 Church Street

P.O. Box 712

Norwich, VT 05055


Monday, July 19, 2010

Welcome to my Grassroot Soccer blog. Throughout the course of my stay in Cape Town I'll be posting (hopefully weekly) to this blog as a way of keeping everyone up-to-date and informed about what is going on in South Africa!

For those of you that don't already know, starting on August 8th I will be working as a Global Operations Intern for Grassroot Soccer (GRS) in Cape Town, South Africa for the year! GRS, an organization that was co-founded by a Dartmouth Alum, is an organization that I've had the pleasure of growing alongside throughout my high school and college years. At last, thanks to a series of strange life events, I'm getting the opportunity to actually make my way to Grassroots' headquarters in Cape Town. My day-to-day tasks, lifestyle, and activities have yet to be discovered, but as they are I'll let them be known on this blog!

Additionally, please consider making a donation! Grassroot Soccer suggests that each intern raise $10,000 for the year. As of this post I have about $8,800 to go and would be grateful for a donation of any size to help reach the 10K goal!

Thanks for visiting and be sure to check back soon!! August 8th is just around the corner...

